4 Back to School Dental Health Tips

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When your kids return to school after the holidays, it is important to get them back into good dental health habits. While it can be difficult to focus on oral health at the same time as ensuring your kids do their schoolwork and make friends, putting good habits in place now could make a big difference to the health of their teeth in the future. Here are a few top tips that can help.…

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4 Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease

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Gum disease is an illness that adversely affects your gums. While the problem starts within the mouth, it has been seen to be a threat to other parts of the body beyond the gums and the teeth. It has been linked to diseases like diabetes, clogged arteries, heart disease, and stroke. Identifying gum disease during its early onset can save you from spending a fortune on treatment. Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is caused by infections of the parts around the teeth, including cementum, the gums, and periodontal ligaments.…

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4 Signs That You Need Professional Teeth Whitening

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Having your teeth whitened professionally can have an impact on your self-esteem, confidence and appearance. It’s no surprise, however, that people are constantly looking for solutions for a brighter smile. If you need to whiten your teeth, it’s crucial that you make an appointment with your dentist and request professional teeth whitening, as opposed to going for over-the-counter products. Are you wondering whether to make the call to your dentist? Here are four signs that you need professional teeth whitening.…

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What Are the Cheapest Ways to Replace a Missing Tooth?

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If you are missing a tooth, it’s a good idea to replace that tooth as soon as possible. The complications from just one missing tooth can change your bite — and your face — considerably. But what if you can’t afford dental implants? Then you’ll need a cheaper tooth replacement option. Fortunately, if your dental budget is limited, you have a couple of cheaper tooth replacement options at your disposal.…

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